Indoor Rules / Format

  • All Boys Levels will play these rules
  • 2020 US Lacrosse Men’s Field Rules

  • 7 V 7 including goalie

  • We will use 4 x 4 goals, not 6 x 6

  • 1 player from each team and goalie must stay behind the half field restraining line (5 V 5 on the offensive side)

  • 18 minute running clock halves with a 2 minute half time

  • No timeouts

  • Games will begin with a draw at the start of each half only.

  • Goals will be confirmed by a referee whistle and signal, but play will restart with a goalie clear, rather than a draw

  • Ball will be played off the boards, off a pass and shot.

  • Ball will be considered out of bounds when hitting the net, quick restart off referee whistle

  • Teams will be provided a reversible by the league

  • All teams are required to have a coach on the sideline for the entire game. Teams without a coach will forfeit.

  • Players may play up ONLY if needed by a team. They may not play DOWN.

  • If a team shows up and does not have enough players, they may use players from another team to still play the game. However, they will still forfeit the game and will result in a 3-0 loss regardless of the final score.

  • Players removed from game play will immediately be suspended from the duration of the current game as well as be disallowed from playing in their team's next game.

  • Any player, spectator, or coach who is found showing poor sportsmanship will be immediately removed from the league.

  • Games ending in a tie during regulation will result in ONE (2) minute sudden-death overtime. If the game remains tied, ONE (1) minute BRAVEHEART style, first goal wins.  If the game remains tied after the second over time, the game ends in a tie.

  • PLAYOFFS / CHAMPIONSHIP games will play a (2) minute sudden-death overtime BUT keep playing ONE (1) minute BRAVEHEART  sudden-death periods until a winner is determined. No player is allowed to participate in two of those BRAVEHEARTS.

    New OT period = new player for each team.

  • BRAVEHEART RULES:  One goalie and one player from each team play.  One player must stay on the defensive side of the field.  Goalies ARE permitted to cross midfield as long as the other player stays back.

  • STANDINGS / TIE BREAKERS:  Divisional standing ties (teams with same record) will be broken in the following order:   

    • i) Head to Head record

    • ii) Record vs common opponents

    • iii) LEAST goals allowed

    • iv)  MOST goals scored